Sponsoring a Greyhound with us
Here at Barley Greyhound Sanctuary, we aren't just a rehoming centre finding loving forever homes for retired racing Greyhounds, we also provide a lifelong safe haven for Greyhounds that can't be homed for any reason.
Many people say that kennels are no life for a dog, but for some Greyhounds a kennel environment with familiar surroundings and routine is the only place that they feel safe, secure and happy as this is what they are used to. Us, our staff and volunteers are with the dogs all day, every day. The Greyhounds here enjoy lovely walks in the countryside/forest that surround us, they are well fed, watered and get to spend time playing in our sand paddocks and grass field multiple times every day. They each have toys, treats and unconditional love. For our sponsor hounds, their life with us at the kennels is a very happy one where they feel safe and we will continue to provide them with the care they need throughout their lives.
You can help our permanent sanctuary hounds by sponsoring them for as little as £10 a month. You can do this via our PayPal - Barleykennels@yahoo.co.uk or you can contact us for our bank details. Please let us know via email if you're sponsoring so we can add your name to our sponsors list that is displayed at the kennels. If you would like to sponsor a certain hound as a present for someone please let us know and we can send you a sponsorship certificate (email - barleykennels@yahoo.co.uk).
Please don't feel sorry for Greyhounds that need to stay in a kennel environment to feel safe, as long as they are looked after and loved they are very content with their kennel lives and it's what is best for the welfare of those individual dogs that can't cope with home life.
You can see our sponsor hounds and information about them below.