Your Greyhounds History

Did you know you can trace your retired Greyhounds history?

Racing Greyhounds each have unique ear tattoos (earmarks) which allows them to be identified. This means their identity, racing career and pedigree can be traced. You can sometimes even find their siblings / puppy photos.

British bred Greyhounds are tattooed in just the right ear and Irish bred Greyhounds are tattooed in both ears. The tattoos aren’t the same as human tattoos, but more like a stamp that marks the inside of the ear with green dye.

You can find out information on you Greyhound by joining the Your Greyhounds History Facebook page, they have helped thousands of adopters trace their Greyhounds history from puppyhood to your sofa. (Your greyhounds details should be on your adoption paperwork, if it isn't then the volunteers on the history page will be able to trace them via their earmarks or microchip number).

Most retired Greyhounds have previous trainers / kennel hands who love to hear how the dogs are getting on at home.

Below is a link to the History page -


Teaching recall to your Greyhound.


Jill Woodman - JW Canine Care Behaviour Training.