Greyhound Blood Values & Heart Size

Did you know that Greyhounds have different blood values to other breeds of dog? You can find out more about Greyhound blood values here - RI_Cards | The Greyhound Health Initiative

It’s also worth knowing that Greyhounds have larger hearts than less athletic breeds and they can often be mis-diagnosed with enlarged hearts or heart murmurs. More information can be found here - Heart, Enlarged | Greyhound Gang

It’s really important to find a vet that is fully understanding of Greyhounds and their uniqueness to avoid misdiagnoses.

It is always worth speaking to your vet to ensure that they fully understand the differences in Greyhounds as many sadly don’t. If they are unaware it may be a good idea to show them the chart below and the articles in this blog.


Choosing your Greyhounds wardrobe / Pyjamas


Understanding nervous ‘Spook’ Greyhounds