Are you ready to adopt a Greyhound?

Are you ready to adopt a Greyhound?

The brilliant videos and the bottom of this blog were made by Jill at JW Canine Care and are must watch for anyone thinking about adopting a Greyhound (or any dog for that matter). The information and videos below aren’t being shared to scare you but to ensure you have seriously thought through welcoming a dog into your life.

Greyhounds make the most amazing pets but most require time, patience and understanding to allow them to settle into home life and to get used to other breeds of dog, traffic etc.

Are you ready for your life / routine to change when you have a dog at home to care for?

If you work away from home and are going to need help during the day to look after your dog and you don't have a family member, friend or neighbour who can help have you thought about this and the cost involved?
It's worth remembering that most Greyhounds have only ever been in environments with other Greyhounds and generally they don't cope well in all breed 'doggy day care' type situations. It's usually much better and also safer for a Greyhound to have a sighthound savvy pet sitter / dog walker who can come to your home and offer them one-to-one care and attention rather than a Greyhound being expected to cope in a large pack of various different breeds, as most can find that type of environment very stressful and some Greyhounds may not be safe to be with other breeds, especially smaller/fluffy ones!

If you work away from home we always recommend that you take a week or two off work during the settling in period, is this something you will be able to do?

If you don't have a garden are you prepared to offer lots of walks, in all weathers, and sometimes during the night if your dog wakes up and needs the toilet?

Greyhounds are an amazing breed and many settle into home life within a few weeks, but some can take many months to adjust to a home environment so you need to be prepared for this.

It's important that you are completely open and honest with your adoption group about your home, life style, working hours, other pets / children and your expectations so that they can help you find the right Greyhound for your family.

Please have a watch of the video below and you can also find lots of information on our blog

If you feel your are ready to adopt a Greyhound please head to the ‘our hounds’ section of our page and fill in a pre adoption questionnaire.


What is your new adopted Greyhound thinking?


Adopting a retired Greyhound? Preparing for the first few weeks.