Understanding Greyhounds


This little blog will hopefully help you understand the life of a Greyhound, and them becoming amazing pets in retirement.

Whatever your stance on racing, you need to have a good understanding of Greyhounds and their past life to help them transition into a new life as a pet. Your Greyhound may be scared of certain things inside and outside the home, this doesn't automatically mean they've been abused or mistreated, it is often because they've never been exposed to things like the TV, hoover, traffic etc. Your Greyhound may have sleep startle, this doesn't mean they are aggressive, it is often because they have never been touched or disturbed when they are asleep/on their beds when they are in kennels. They may be reactive to other breeds, again this doesn't mean they are aggressive, it can be due to natural prey drive, or due to the fact that they often only see other Greyhounds while they are in racing environments, and haven't been exposed to other breeds, particularly small ones.

It really is important to understand things from the Greyhounds point of view when welcoming one into your home. So let's look a little into their background (UK based info).

Greyhounds are generally born into a kennel environment, and they usually stay with their mothers longer than ‘pet’ puppies do. Once weaned, they then stay with their litter mates spending their days playing, eating, sleeping and growing until around 12 months of age. They will then move into the main kennels, usually into pairs, to begin their racing training (in the UK Greyhounds must be 15 months old before they can officially trial / race on a track), this is why you rarely see puppies available for adoption, because it's often not known if a Greyhound will race until they start their 'schooling' at around a year old.

A racing Greyhounds life can be quite structured, with strict daily routine, diet and exercise. Greyhounds are sighthounds and despite what lots of people may think, the 'training' involved with Greyhounds doesn't mean forcing them to chase, they chase entirely on instinct. Of course there are some Greyhounds who have no desire to chase, or a very low prey drive, and these dogs generally make amazing pets to homes with cats / small furries, but non chasing Greyhounds are quite few and far between as it is a natural instinct that has been bred into them for thousands of years, so adopters need to be fully aware and understanding of prey drive.

Many people don't like the fact that Greyhounds have spent their lives in kennels, but this is often the only life they have known, and most are quite content with that life because they've never known any different. When a Greyhound retires and moves into retirement/rehoming kennels they will usually still have a daily routine, but also begin their journey to pet life, being introduced to things they may never have seen before, but will see when they go home.

When a retired Greyhound is adopted and goes home they are entering a whole new world. They may not have ever seen a TV, washing machine, dishwasher, hoover, stairs, other breeds of dogs etc. They also may not have ever walked on a slippery wood floor, so runner mats are usually required, and putting stickers on patio doors so that they can see the glass is a must when welcoming a Greyhound into your home.

It's important to give your Greyhound time to settle in at home, and to form a bond with you. Don't expect too much too soon, and don't be taking them out and about on new adventures until they are settled in. A home environment is often a completely new experience for them, and they need time to adjust to it, if you do too much too soon you will overwhelm them and create and very worried and unhappy dog.

We hear so many new adopters say, 'my dog doesn't know how to play with toys', 'my dog doesn't understand affection' or they tell people that their dog is scared of certain things, and then try to justify why by assuming that it must be due to past trauma/abuse. This may sometimes be the case, but for many Greyhounds in the UK it's simply because they have been placed into a unfamiliar world, full of things they've never seen before, with people they don't yet know, and they just need time and understanding to adjust.

Going into home life can obviously be overwhelming for them, most can be quite reserved to start with, and won't show their true personality until they are fully settled and bonded with their new owner. They need time to feel safe in their new environment, and to trust their new people. Try to understand things from their point of view, they've been taken away from the life and people they've always known, and dropped into a completely new world. Don't overcomplicate things, just give them time and understanding.

Most Greyhound kennels are in rural areas so your adopted Greyhound may not have seen traffic (not heavy traffic anyway), they probably haven't seen large groups of people playing football in the park, or heard the shouting of playing children.

They've never been left alone when in kennels, there may not always be people around, but there is always the company of other Greyhounds close by, sometimes the sound of a radio playing and they also have the security of knowing their surroundings and routine.

They are never let off lead in unsecure areas when racing, so it's extremely important to keep them on lead. Some Greyhounds can establish a good recall if you are willing to put in the time and effort with training, but having a Greyhound you can let off lead is often an exception, and not a rule of the breed, so don't rush into it, and always be sure you have established a solid and reliable recall. Take into account their prey drive, previous injury, nervousness etc, and get to know your individual dog. Just because one Greyhound is good off lead doesn't mean they all are, and vice versa.

Lots of people think that Greyhounds need loads of exercise, but Greyhounds are sprinters built for short bursts of energy, so many are quite content with two 30 minute walks a day and zoomies in the garden. Of course many will happily walk for a lot longer, and some with more highly strung/active personalities may even enjoy taking part in activities like jogging, canicross, agility, hiking or swimming etc, but it's important to build their stamina up gradually and to know their limits.

Greyhounds are known to be excellent with children due to their kind and gentle natures, but the usual care should always be taken, and children should be taught to leave the Greyhound alone when they are asleep or relaxing.

Greyhounds are amazing dogs, and most settle very quickly into home life, but some can take months to settle in properly, and a small few can't cope with home life at all and always prefer the safety of a kennel environment.

If you are willing to put the work in, Greyhounds are a very clever and trainable breed, but they won't do things if they feel it's pointless, or if they aren't being rewarded for their work (and why should they!) So make sure you have the right attitude, and some really tasty high value treats to reward them lavishly

Greyhounds do make the most wonderful pets, and they have earned themselves a fabulous reputation to be great companions for all kinds of families and lifestyles, but it's important for adopters to remember that home life is an entirely new world for a retired Greyhound, and they will need time, patience and understanding to settle in and adjust to this new life. It's important to work out a routine for when they arrive home, start it straight away and stick to it as much as possible. It's also important to have an understanding of Greyhound breed traits, particularly prey drive.

Greyhounds may not walk in and be the perfect pet straight away, but with a little patience, love and understanding they settle in and really are the best dogs in the world

This is a must read for potential/new Greyhound adopters - https://www.barleykennels.co.uk/.../what-is-your-new...

This video from Jill at JW Canine Care is also an excellent watch for potential/new adopters - https://youtu.be/GCaFM-Dht8I

You can also find lots of advice on our website www.barleykennels.co.uk/care

If you are interested in offering a forever home to a retired, Greyhound please head to our website for more details or to get in touch. www.barleykennels.co.uk

Copyright - Barley Greyhound Sanctuary


What is your new adopted Greyhound thinking?