Travelling safely with your Greyhound.

The video below from JW Canine Care is full of excellent advice regarding travelling your Greyhound safely. It is law in the UK that dogs must be secure when travelling in a vehicle. We also highly recommend Barjo tail gates and dog guards for safe travel which can be found here - Dog cages, car tailgate guards, Volvo, BMW, Audi, Ford, Land Rover (

It’s extremely important to ensure you have a firm grip of your dog before opening the boot or door of your car to prevent them from jumping straight out and bolting away from you. Sadly many dogs go missing soon after adoption as they escape from the car because they aren’t being held securely when the door is opened.

If you need help with travel worries / sickness for your hound you can contact Jill via her website - JW Canine Care – Caring-sharing-empowering (


Greyhounds and off lead safety


Feeding a balanced diet to your Greyhound